Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mormon Temple rituals no longer 'secret'

Original article is here.

My Thoughts Are:

It is so tempting to post the entire ceremony here, but I must pass on this opportunity. I made a promise to someone that I would draw the line here and not expose these things MYSELF. However, I will choose to share the link so that each individual can exercise their freedom of choice. The link is provided here.

On this site you will be able to read the entire endowment ceremony, start to finish, and I vouch for its correctness as I was once a temple-attending Mormon. There is also a pre 1990 version with the penalty signs included for comparison, so it can be known that there HAVE been changes to supposedly "unchangeable" ordinances. I did not attend before 1990, but I know someone who did.

There is also a transcript of the 1931 Mormon ritual.
This one contains the oaths to have one's tongue pulled out by its roots, etc. There is also an interesting vow to unceasingly pray for the avenging of the blood of the prophets, and to teach your children this precept for a number of generations. The wording is strikingly similar to the Jewishconfession of faith to never forget that Jehovah is God (Deut 6:5ff). I don't know anyone first hand who attended prior to 1931, but that is what journals are for. If we can't believe personal accounts, then that "limits our reach" to only things which are approved and uplifting.

Also included is pictures of the signs and tokens used in the temple. These are the exact same ones used in Masonic ritual to this day. And here are the handclasps and names of the tokens given in the ritual, also taken exactly from Masonic rituals.

Please take the time to select each topic from the list, as it is important to realize that this is open information that ANYONE can access, and therefore, theorectically practice in their own church worship if they chose to do so. If the ceremonies are supposed to be so sacred and binding, how is it that God was unable to prevent it from becoming worldwide knowledge?

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